Dear Parent,
This week we are learning about Baptism. Please send in your child's Baptism picture to class. I will display it for a couple of days and send it back to you. Also, if you have the Baptism candle or any other memorabilia regarding your child's Baptism send it along.
Graduation is almost upon us. It is on Thursday, June 11th . We will be going to Mass at 8:15 am. Please make sure your child is in school by 7:45 am as we will be getting them ready with the cap and gowns and the sashes. There will be a breakfast after Mass. We need your food donations in order to have a fabulous breakfast. Your room mothers will contact you for your help.
Please have your child bring a boxed non-perishable food item to school next week. This will be our offering at the graduation Mass.
Our awards day will be Wednesday, June 10th at 8:00 am. The afternoon of June 10th is our sports day. Again the room mothers will contact you for any help they need.
This week is the last week your child will be coming home with daily reading papers. I hope you saved all papers so you can review them in the summer to keep their little minds ready for the fall.
Thank you,
Manel McMillan