Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear Parents,

    We are studying about City life and Country life. We are learning to compare and contrast the two.
     During our Christmas vacation each child should make a diorama of a City or Country life. Boys should make a diorama of City life and girls should make a diorama of Country life.

   If you do not understand what a diorama look like I have a sample in my class. The diorama should be in, the week of January 5th - 8th.

Please make sure your child has the following supplies after Christmas break.

1. Two #2 pencils sharpened { only two please. I will not be giving them the beginner pencil anymore.}

 2. An eraser

3. A pair of scissors

4. Glue { that work} No stick glue please.

5. Well sharpened crayons.

6. Well sharpened colored pencils.
Dear Parents,
          Our class is preparing a mini Christmas play for you, our parents. It will be on Thursday December 17th   at 12:45 p.m. Please try to be present as we are practicing and singing our hearths out.

                                                                    Thank you,
                                                                        Manel McMillan

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dear parents,
        There will be no Religion homework this week.

Congratulation !!! Kelly Johnson and Sherene Daniels we won the 'door decoration' contest. Sherene and Kelly worked through the wee hours of the night to get it finished on time. 

     Pope Francis has declared Year of Mercy beginning December 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. To celebrate this momentous event, our Director of Religious Affairs, Ian Cordova and his mom,Miss Myrna have arranged for a matching grant. This grant will match every single penny donated to the Missionary Childhood Association during the mouth of December up to $ 1,ooo.oo !! We thank our donor for this generous gesture, especially as all our students will be reviewing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy which call us to see to the spiritual and physical needs of our brothers and sisters.
                                                                              Manel McMillan

Monday, October 19, 2015

Dear Parents,
         There will be no Religion homework this week or the next. When there is a question at the bottom of the Religion homework, please make sure your child answers the question on another piece of paper.

     As part of our Religion program in Kindergarten, we often tell stories about the lives of the Saints. As you know, November 1st is the Feast of All Saint.  As a class project, I am asking the children to choose a Saint and dress accordingly on Monday, November 2nd. A simple costume will do and the children come to school dressed as that Saint. We will be going to Mass with the school that day and the Kindergartners will process into the Mass with Fr. Henry and our Our Lady of the Assumption altar servers.

     There are several books about Saints with pictures in our classroom if you need some ideas. Come in and I will help you. Your child should be able to say a sentence or two about the Saint he/she represents. This is 50% of your child's Religion grade.

      On another note, our annual Math-A-Thon is this Friday, October 23rd. We start after assembly. Those parents, who volunteered to help, please meet me at the Kindergarten door so I can tell you the procedure. This is a fundraiser, so please make sure you have plenty of sponsors for your child; 100% of what you bring in goes toward your assessment.

                                                        It's a win win situation, what a deal!!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dear Parent,
          Please remember to enroll your child's information on grade link. Enrolling is self-explanatory on our website. From now on all information will be posted on grade link. For example Billing, Fundraising, Tuition, FunFair and all other information will be done electronically.
          Your e-mail, phone number, child's medical information {especially students with allergies} need to be included as well.

                                                             Thank you,
                                                                 Manel McMillan 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dear Parent,

       Welcome to a new school year. I am enjoying working with your children and looking forward to working with you as well.

Thursday September 3rd at 6:00 p.m. is our back to school night. Please make sure to be there as i will be sharing very important information for the year.

On october 16th we will be having an Emergency Operation  exercise starting at 1:30 p.m.  We are preparing our children in case there us an emergency due to fire or an earthquake. In case we need to evacuate the school, all students need to know the correct procedure. We will be walking to the fore station at the corner of 40th and Sierra Way. Ann Marie Gallant, coordinator of the Emergency Center at the Diocese will be here October 16th to will be ironed out this day. If you do not want your child walking please pick your child up at 11:30 this day.

Thank you,
Manel McMillan


Friday, June 5, 2015

Dear Parent,

         I hope this year has been a fun and valuable learning experience for your children! Your children have worked really hard this year, therefore, I want to do some fun activities next week.

Monday, June 8th, our very own Deacon Dan will be talking to the children about his work as a Deacon.

Then we will have Play Shop Day. Your child can bring $1.00 or $2.00 dollars in change. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters as this is all of the coins we have learned. In a addition to money each child may bring up to 5 toys {used] which they would like to sell. Each toy may be sold for .50 or less. 
One person's trash is another's treasure right!!

Tuesday, June 9th, Pet Day. Your child may bring a pet {in a proper container- cage, box,leash,etc...}students will be asked to give a Mini-Talk about the pet which could include kind of animal, age, food, care.... If you bring a dog your child will be the first to talk and the dog will have to go home directly after.

Wednesday, June 10th, Awards, Awards, Awards!! It will be at 7:55 am and will last about twenty min. or so. Parents who have to go back to work can make the proper arrangements. The afternoon of Wednesday will be sports events. Our room mothers have planned all activities.

                              Thank you,
                                                     Manel McMillan

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dear Parent,
          This week we are learning about Baptism. Please send in your child's Baptism picture to class. I will display it for a couple of days and send it back to you. Also, if you have the Baptism candle or any other memorabilia regarding your child's Baptism send it along.
      Graduation is almost upon us. It is on Thursday, June 11th . We will be going to Mass at 8:15 am. Please make sure your child is in school by 7:45 am as we will be getting them ready with the cap and gowns and the sashes. There will be a breakfast after Mass. We need your food donations in order to have a fabulous breakfast. Your room mothers will contact you for your help.
        Please have your child bring a boxed non-perishable food item to school next week. This will be our offering at the graduation Mass. 
        Our awards day will be Wednesday, June 10th  at 8:00 am. The afternoon of June 10th  is our sports day. Again the room mothers will contact you for any help they need.
        This week is the last week your child will be coming home with daily reading papers. I hope you saved all papers so you can review them in the summer to keep their little minds ready for the fall.
                                                                 Thank you,
                                                                       Manel McMillan 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dear Parents,
         Thank you for your cooperation and effort for out P.T.G. performances!! The munchkin costumes were super!! Weren't the munchkins great!! Also, thanks to all those who accompanied the children to the zoo. We all felt safe with so many parents and eyes to supervise.
              Saturday the 16th  is our Country Fair. please be in the Kindergarten classroom at 3:00 pm. Have your child wear their western clothes, as we perform at 3:30 pm. 

      P.S. We are out of baby wipes. Please have your child send one pack of baby wipes. We have enough tissues and clorox wipes.
Dear Parents,
         The following information is only for residents of San Bernardino. It is extremely important that you send this back as soon as possible; when you fill this out and send it back to school we will have the privilege of having a continued  resource teacher on campus, which has been a great help.Thanks to Title 1 funds through the public school we not only have a resource teacher but they also supply us with technology to use in educating your students. The funding is provided through your tax dollars, so thank you!!

     The information you send back is confidential. Please remember to send this back as soon as possible so we can take advantage of opportunities available to us.

                                                                 Thank you,
                                                                     Manel McMillan

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Here are a few important dates to remember.

Monday, May 4th is free dress for egg shells and confetti.

Friday, May 1st is the May Crowning. This is a Catholic tradition where the Month of May is dedicated to Marry our Mother. We crown Mary that day as she is the Queens of all the Angel and Saint. 
Please being lots of flowers on this day and through the Month of May.

Saturday, May 16th is our Country Fair. The Kindergarten children will be doing the electric slide. The performance time is 3:30 pm. Please be in the kindergarten classroom at 3:00 pm. 
We will not be waiting for late comers as the entertainment schedule for the whole day is pre-planned. Jeans, a plaid shirt, and a western hat {optional} will be the required attire.
{Boots are not necessary as they are too heavy for little feet to move to the beat.}

The day has finally arrived!! Your munchkins are performing on Thursday, May 7th. Please be in the Kindergarten class at 5:45 pm dressed in the munchkin costume which will be sent home this day, Bring your cameras. The P.T.G meeting starts at 6:00 pm. 
There is also a dress rehearsal at 12:45.

May 8th {next day} is our field trip. 
It's  Full school uniform day. Your child may wear school dress shorts but remember L.A is cooler than S.B. We will be leaving the school at 9:00 am sharp. Bring a sack lunch or money to buy lunch. The zoo will be crowded so a sack lunch is more practical. The kids will be able to spend more time visiting animals and not standing in line to buy food. Your child will have some work to so on the field trip. I will explain when I see you that day.

We will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo on Tuesday, May 5th. Thank you to Mr.&Mrs. Blanco, Mr.&Mrs. Ramirez,
 and Mr.&Mrs. Garcia for providing the cultural foods.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Here are few important dates to remember:

1. The munchkin costumes are to be sent to school on 
Friday, May 1st.

2. Friday, May 1st, is also the May Crowning. 
This is a Catholic tradition where the Month of May is dedicated to Mary our Mother.We crown Mary that day as she is the Queen of all the Angel and Saints. 
Please bring lots of flowers on this day and throughout the Month of May.

3. Saturday, May 16th, is our Country Fair. 
The Kindergarten children will be doing the electric slide.
 The performance time will be announced later. Jeans, a plaid shirt, and a western hat {optional}, will be the required attire.

Thanks for all you do for our
Kindergarten kids!!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Dear Parent,
         If your child wears his/her track / country fair shirt to any of the Sunday Masses he/she will have free dress on Monday, April 20th.


Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Grade: Kindergarten & 2nd 
Destination: Regal Cinema Monkey Kingdom Movie
Time Leaving: 11:30 am
Time Returning: 2:30 pm
Mean of Transportation: Parent Drivers
Cost Per Student & Parent: $5.50 
Student needs to be in OLA Full Uniform.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

             Happy Holy Week Everyone!!

            Dear Parent,
                    Thursday, April 2nd, is Holy Thursday. We have been studying the events that took place on this day when Jesus the Last Supper with his twelve apostles. Services begins at 7:00 pm. It would be really good if you bring your child to church so he/she can see ow the priest washed the feet of twelve people re-enacting the first Holy Thursday.

             Good Friday is another important day in the Catholic Church. Services start at 7:00 pm. It would be nice to have your children experience the veneration of the cross.{When we get to kiss the cross,} Please try to make it to the services on the two important days.

          We need your help once again. We need empty paper towel rolls for our play. Please please send us as many as you can after the break.

         Many of our children are coming to school with no supplies. Please make sure your child has the following supplies after Easter break.

1. Two #2 pencils sharpened {Only two please. I will not be giving them the beginner pencils anymore.}

2. An eraser

3. A pair of scissors

4. Glue {That works.} No stick glue please.

5. Well sharpened crayons

6. Well sharpened colored pencils


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dear Parent,
       Sunday, March 29th, is Palm Sunday. This is the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem 
and it is the beginning of Holy Week, the most important week in our Catholic Faith.
 Your children know the story of Palm Sunday, so please follow up on this lesson by
 taking them to Church.

We will be having an Open House and Art Exhibition on Palm Sunday, 
9:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. Your child's wonderful work will be displayed in the 
Kindergarten classroom and there will also be art work in the hallway. 
Please come visit our room and bring friends along to show off your child's work.

All teachers will be present to answer any of your questions. 
This is also an opportunity to meet your child's first grade teacher.

There will be food such as hot dogs and other goodies for sale.
 This is a family and faith community event. 
Students who attend the Open House in uniform have free dress Monday, March 30th.

One other student opportunity is extra recess on Wednesday, April 1st, for students who bring a baked item to the Palm Sunday bake sale. 
There is no free dress April 1st because the entire school will be attending Mass.

On Tuesday, March 31st, there is also a free dress for students who bring in at least four nonperishable items for the needy.

See you all on Palm Sunday!!
Thank you for your support,

Manel McMillan

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dear Parent,
                      On may 7th the Kindergarten class, together with the 6th grade, will be performing the play, THE WIZARD OF OZ for the P.T.G performance. All the Kindergarten students will be the munchkins in the play. I have sent you pictures to show the boy and girl munchkin costumes. the costumes should be ready and in the Kindergarten classroom on Fri. May 1st so we can have a couple of dress rehearsals. Further details will follow.
                      We are now learning the long a sound. a-e  ai  ay. Please make sure your child practice the words at home so the will be more familiar with the long sound when they see it in the written words.
                       just a reminder that the spell-a-thon is on Fri. March 27th. Please get as many sponsors as you can. Its a win win situation for all concerned.
                       Here's some exciting news! The following children will be awarded a special recognition this Fri. at assembly. They made a 100% on all four spelling tests. Hooray! Bryce Aaensn, Gfiffin Blanco, Jackson Colella, Chrisxander Estrella, Cameron Houghton and Emily Reed.Excellent work my little ones!
                                                             Manel McMillan

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dear Parents,
  Please have your child memorize the following words for our upcoming Spell-a-Thon on Friday, March 27th. This is an educational fundraiser.

the           to         three         eight        blue

my           by        four           nine         yellow

is             said      five            ten           pink

it             one       six              red          brown

I              two       seven         green      orange

These words are part of their daily vocabulary words.
Dear Parent,
          As you know each class takes a turn hosting a bake sale for our Church Community and another in-house bake sale.
      Our Church Community bake sale is on Sunday, March 8th. This is a fundraising event and all proceeds will be used for our classroom supplies. Isn't that great!!! Each family is asked to donate a baked item. If for any reason you cannot bake an item, please donate $5.00 instead. We need doughnuts{best sellers}, cupcakes,brownies, etc.
        Along with a baked item, your help is required to cover a shift during this day. 
       Our in house bake sale is on Tuesday, March 17th. Mrs.Houghton and Mrs. Harris will let you know what they plan to do.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

                                                       Just a friendly reminder.

                         Spelling test is on Friday, February 27th. The test will be on


Color run is on Friday, February 27th. Please make sure at least $ 15.00  is in on Thursday, February 26th.

                                                     Guess what Moms & Dads???

                                               We won the Box Tops Competition!!!!

Thank you to all of you for your help. As a result, our Kindergarten children will have free dress on Thursday, February 26th. Hooray!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

                          Our next spelling test is on Friday, February 27th.  The words are

The school will be providing the cap and gown for our graduation. {They stay in the school after the ceremony} Please send in the $5.00 for the ribbon sash, which you get to take home as a  souvenir.

    The Box Top competition is going on right now. Last Day for the Box Top is February 23rd. Please send in as many box tops as you possible could.

   Our stash of toilet paper rolls from last year have been used. We have no more for upcoming projects. Please collect your empty rolls and send them to school.

     If you need hours for this year. Please let me know as I can give you art projects to prepare at home. It would be a great help!

      Thank You
            Manel McMillan

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Kindergarten Blends.

Please have your child study these words.

. st   . pr   .  sl    . sc    . spr     . dr     .  gr     .  wr     

. pl    . tr       . shr      . tw     .  gl      . str   .  cr     

. bl   . fr      . dw    .   cl    .   sch     .   sn    .   br

.  sk     . sp     .  scr    .  sw     .  spl    .  fl    . thr    

. sm

Thursday, January 22, 2015

                                                         " Catholic Schools Week"

January 25-30, 2105

  •  Monday- Jersey Day:"We're all on God's Team!"Students may were their team shirt or Jersey.Rosary dedicated to our Catholic School                                                                    Lunch-Limbo!                                                           
  • ;Tuesday- Disney Day!"With God, this IS the Happiest Place on Earth!"Students may wear their Disney shirts or ears. Sacred Heart from the Mountains will be with our student all morning.                                                                                                                                     Lunch-music and dancing on the playground
  • Wednesday-Neon Day!"Our Love for God Shines Brightly!" Students may wear neon clothes.                                                                                                                                              Lunch- Family Picnic Day
  • Thursday- Superhero Day!"God is the Mightiest of Superheroes!" Students are invited to wear a superhero t-shirt.                                                                                                                   Lunch- relay game on the field
  • Friday - Mass Day! 8:15, hosted by Student Council                                                                     Assembly at 1:30 Special speakers address the school about their Catholic Education. Essay winners announced.Video on the Missionary Childhood Association.

  • Mass Speakers:
    1. Saturday 1/24 Kylie and Jocelyn - Miss Manel
    2. Sunday 1/25 8 am Jayden and Katelyn - Mrs. Long
    3. Sunday 10 am Alycia and Madie -Mrs. Godsy
    4. Sunday Noon- Leslie and Joel
    5. Sunday 4:30 pm Bailey and Garrett- Mrs. Leion

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dear Parent,
                     Just a few reminders from the Kindergarten class.

                     1. Parent education night Monday Jan. 26th at 6:30 p.m. in the Kindergarten class.
                     2. Spelling test this Friday, January 23rd. the word are:

                                      SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, and TEN.

            New information:
                        1. We will not be celebrating Valentine's Day with a party this year. However, if you would like to participate with exchanging Valentine cards you may do so. Those participating in the card exchange bring 17 card with only your child's name on it. For example: From Mary. We will exchange card during the morning of February 13th.

            2. I have exciting new I'd like to share with you. Some of your children have started reading a book! We are all on book one and practicing really hard. In Kindergarten, reading is checked on an individual basis. I'm sure you all understand I cannot listen to each child by myself. Therefore, I am asking for volunteers to help me. Individual reading time is on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-2:30 pm. In order for your child to advance to book two, we need volunteers during this time. If I have no volunteers I will have to discontinue reading the books. The volunteers have to be consistent, so please think carefully before you make the commitment.

        Thank you for your commitment to your child's education.

                                                                                                    Manel McMillan