Thursday, April 30, 2015

Here are a few important dates to remember.

Monday, May 4th is free dress for egg shells and confetti.

Friday, May 1st is the May Crowning. This is a Catholic tradition where the Month of May is dedicated to Marry our Mother. We crown Mary that day as she is the Queens of all the Angel and Saint. 
Please being lots of flowers on this day and through the Month of May.

Saturday, May 16th is our Country Fair. The Kindergarten children will be doing the electric slide. The performance time is 3:30 pm. Please be in the kindergarten classroom at 3:00 pm. 
We will not be waiting for late comers as the entertainment schedule for the whole day is pre-planned. Jeans, a plaid shirt, and a western hat {optional} will be the required attire.
{Boots are not necessary as they are too heavy for little feet to move to the beat.}

The day has finally arrived!! Your munchkins are performing on Thursday, May 7th. Please be in the Kindergarten class at 5:45 pm dressed in the munchkin costume which will be sent home this day, Bring your cameras. The P.T.G meeting starts at 6:00 pm. 
There is also a dress rehearsal at 12:45.

May 8th {next day} is our field trip. 
It's  Full school uniform day. Your child may wear school dress shorts but remember L.A is cooler than S.B. We will be leaving the school at 9:00 am sharp. Bring a sack lunch or money to buy lunch. The zoo will be crowded so a sack lunch is more practical. The kids will be able to spend more time visiting animals and not standing in line to buy food. Your child will have some work to so on the field trip. I will explain when I see you that day.

We will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo on Tuesday, May 5th. Thank you to Mr.&Mrs. Blanco, Mr.&Mrs. Ramirez,
 and Mr.&Mrs. Garcia for providing the cultural foods.

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