Thursday, October 9, 2014

                                                                                                           Oct. 9th 2014

Dear Parent,
                     Tomorrow Fri. Oct 10th is our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Children should wear their uniform or P.E clothes depending on the weather. Remember the car seats.
                      This week is fire safety week. Mr. Brian Lesch was kind enough to give us a demonstration on fire safety, explaining about all the fire equipment a fire fighter uses in an emergency. He also let each child experience being a fire fighter by putting on his gear. the children were thrilled and asked many interesting questions. They also got to shoot out water so the children could experience how far the water can shoot.
                       Here's some important upcoming events: As part of our Kindergarten Religion program we often tell stories about the lives of our Saints. As you know November 1st if the FEAST OF ALL SAINTS. As a class project. I am asking the children to choose a Saint of their choice and dress accordingly. As November 1st is a Saturday we will be celebrating it on Friday November 7th at the first Friday Mass. A simple costume will do.
                       There are several books about saints, with pictures in our classroom.If you need some idea, come in and I will help you. Your child should be able to say a sentence or two about the saint he or she represents. This is 50% of their Religion grade.
                       We will also start a raffle as a Thanksgiving project. All proceeds go to the missions. Tickets are a quarter. Parents are welcome to participate. If any of you would like to donate prizes for the raffle, we would greatly appreciate it.
                       The next exciting event is our Math-A-Thon. Thurs. Oct. 16th is this event. Oh Yes! Kindergarten will be participating. It will be on the Math concepts we have covered so far.100% of what you bring in goes toward your family's assessment. not only is this educational, you are also helping yourself. It's a win win situation. I hope Kindergarten class will be the big winners!
                                                            Thank you and God Bless.